I had the privilege to work on a variety of assets in Tangled Shore for Destiny 2: Forsaken. The image with the black banner on the bottom is courtesy of Nate Sartain, who carried a large chunk of the environment art forward in that area. I had a hand in many of the large silos, whether it be first pass or polish pass in Salvage. Standalone props were assigned mostly to myself. Other Environment Art in the area was a collaborative effort with support from but not limited to:
Martin Moreno - https://www.artstation.com/mr_grimm
Konrad Beerbaum - https://www.artstation.com/konradbeerbaum
Richard Rude - https://www.artstation.com/richardrude
Nate Sartain - https://www.artstation.com/nathansartain1
Alexander Alza - https://www.artstation.com/alexanderalza
Eugene Kim - https://www.artstation.com/deadecko
Sloan Hood - https://www.artstation.com/rsloan76
Sungin Paik - https://www.artstation.com/paikman