I was inspired to create this piece after looking at Andrew Phan's concept :https://www.artstation.com/artwork/ELyq68.
Due to the scale of the project, I was fortunate to get some prop assistance from Eduardo Zamora : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/6b0No0
While the original concept was just a building, I decided to build it in San Francisco. My goal was to make it look like it could fit in the world of Overwatch. This was created in UE5.
The menu art and any logos and ads are from Andrew Phan.
The trash can, dumpster, vending machine, Pho Bowl, Bus Stop, Street Lamp, and Electrical Box are from Eduardo Zamora.
Special shoutout to Carlos Ochoa for some production planning.
The sky is thanks to Notokeke's StylizedWeather.